This article, dated 4-13- 1915, explains that Danforth’s manager, Moose Grimshaw was preparing for the season.
He had been released by Louisville the year before, ending his MLB career.
Will Start Practice Work at J. & G. Park This Week
A Good Baseball Season Is Promised the Fans.
Manager Grimshaw of the Danforths will visit the grounds at the J. & G. park today and will make arrangements for the players to start practice work as soon as possible. He expects to have the players on the grounds within a couple of days doing a little throwing and running to limber themselves up after the winter.
“Joe” Danforth, the patron of the real stuff in baseball in this city, is keeping in touch with Manager Grimshaw. Captain Hunt and the other players at “baseball headquarters” in Church Street, and he is anxious the have the men on the grounds as soon as possible.
Some crackerjack games have already been scheduled for this season. The famous Chinese team, which has proven a big drawing card from one end of the country to the other, and which an unusually strong team, has been signed up for a game, and other games equally as good have been arranged. This season all games will be scheduled at least four weeks in advance, and the early games are already arranged for, although the schedule will not be announced for awhile.
A representative of the Knickerbocker Press team, which is being organized in Albany and which will have some very good talent on this lineup, was in town yesterday and asked for some games be played here and in Albany with the Danforths. The arrangement will not be closed for a few days.
A full attendance of the representatives of all teams is requested for the organization meeting of the ” Sunset League” to be held in the Y.M.C.A. Thursday night. Seven teams are now in line up for membership in the league and if any other teams desire to become affiliated they should send representatives to the meeting.
“Joe” Danforth and Manager Grimshaw, in discussing the “Sunset League”last night, said that they believed it would be one of the biggest things put across in baseball matters in this city and were hopeful for the success of the proposed league.
Manger Grimshaw said no team should hold back from joining the league for fear that playing in the league would effect the standing of the players as amateurs, for it will have no such effect.