This article dated 7/14/1919 recaps a game between the E.S. Parkhurst & Co., Inc. team and the Schenectady Illuminating Co. team at the former JAG Park, now Parkhurst Field.
The Schenectady Illuminating Company supplied Schenectady homes and businesses with fuel for heating, cooking and lighting. The Schenectady plant changed hands from Mohawk Gas Company to Schenectady Illuminating Company in 1919, then went to Adirondack Power and Light Company in 1921, the New York Power and Light Company in 1927 and finally Niagara Mohawk in
1950 and now National Grid.
The Schenectady Illuminating company ball team broke even in a double header this week-end with the fast Parkhurst club of Gloversville, Saturday, at “Jag” park in Gloversville. Greensleete, the western twirler of the old Danforth team, held the Lightmakers to five hits and won his game 2 to 1. ” Lefty” Nelson who opposed Greensleete allowed only six hits and pitched air-tight ball.
Sunday, on the Fifty acre, the two teams met again and the Illuminators came out victors in a 15 inning contest by the score of 6 to 5.
Minor Deltz was pitted against young Mulhberger with Minor having the better of the argument. Minor was accorded poor support in the pinches or the little fellow would never have had to extend himself to win.
The first score came for Gloversville in the Fourth when two runs were sent across. The Illuminators came back with three in the sixth and two in the seventh. Then Gloversville scored three in the eighth tying the score. Minor Deltz then settled down to hard work and allowed only two hits in the remaining seven innings and was given errorless support. Minor fanned 15 Gloversville batters. In the last of the fifteenth the Lightmakers sent in the winning run when Burch singled, Andrew sacrificed and an error by Joseph, who dropped Johnson’s long fly, Burch scoring on the error.
Billy Kerley at third featured at the bat making three hits, one of which was a home run. Kerley has been playing remarkable ball at third. in the last four games he has attained a batting average of ( ). In the same number of games Kerley accepted 28 chances with only 3 slip-ups.